
Cheap TOSHIBA PA3672U-1BRS battery for Toshiba Satellite E105 E105-S1402

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Amplify’d from janee.ca.over-blog.com

Premium quality replacement TOSHIBA laptop
. This TOSHIBA PA3672U-1BRS battery from battery-notebook.ca is rated at 14.4V capacity and is 100% compatible with the original equipment.it has been also
specially designed to meet the power needs of your Toshiba Satellite E105 E105-S1402 Series laptop laptop and will help you power up your
notebook in the office, business trips or vacations.

TOSHIBA PA3672U-1BRS laptop battery replacement for Toshiba Satellite E105 E105-S1402 Series

Capacity|Volt : 5200mAh/8Cells/75Wh |14.4V
Demension : 274.48 x 53.00 x 20.15 mm
Read more at janee.ca.over-blog.com

